I was doing some work earlier interfacing some software with OziExplorer. This is something I am doing a lot, and I think I am an expert at it. But today I was finding that if I stopped the program by using the ‘x’ on the top right corner of the window the program would crash on exit. I was getting a ‘Runtime Error 217’ which told me absolutely nothing. Google told me very little too, but did give me one hint.

The hint was to use the oziCloseAPI function when the form was disposed to close things properly. When I tried to do this I found that this function was not found in the DLL. Hmm…. Investigating things I found I had an old version of the OziExplorer DLL loaded… I upgraded the DLL, and added the function call and things now worked without error. Not sure what fixed it, but that really does not matter does it.

Tomorrow I will be spending most of the day at Pymble… working on some more of the travelling salesman problem, and improving the software.