Having just been out to the local shops I can assure people of two things. Firstly, it is wet outside. Wet enough to be cold and damp, but unfortunately not wet enough to fill the dams to any extent I would guess. The other thing I can assure people of is that it is much nicer to be inside again now… With the heater on, and with some music on it is much nicer. Even in the cold garage it is much nicer than being outside.

When I was out I also visited the local hardware store – it is closing tomorrow having been run out of business by Bunnings and the like. I have been going to this store most of my life, so it is a bit sad that it is closing. It is a bit ironic really, since this same store has outlived a number of competitors who would not compete…

I have thrown a few thing out from the garage. Like a few old remote controls that I thought would be nice if I ever needed to repair that model of DVD player. I have only ever repaired one DVD player, and it had a remote anyway. And when a DVD player is $50 or so, why bother? Unless it is something really really simple that is. So they went into the bin. So did some old cables and some other rubish.

One item that will be going into the bin, unless someone else wants it (for free) is a 19″ Panasonic monitor. And unfortunately it is not an LCD one which is one of the reasons I am getting rid of it. Great for a kids computer or something. FREE!