I have just got home from my brothers birthday party – and as usual it was a fun night… A few regulars were unable to attent which was disapponting, but apart from that things were good. I installed his wine rack before the party which simply involved drilling a couple of holes into the brick wall and screwing the rack to it. Simple really.

The weather outside was a bit foggy and damp on the way home, although the pea soup fog did not hit until I actually got back to Ingleburn. As noted before I actually enjoy driving in the fog, although I should note that I enjoy fog much more in the daytime, and even more when the roads are not wet.

Before going to my brothers party I actually made a breakthrough with the new TeamTrack software. My challenge was to bring three or four database tables into one dataset in a way that allowed me to specify the linking relationships without doing database queries… That is do the link on my end rather than on the server end. I now have the code to do this – I do not know if it is the most efficient, but it does work… And given that computers are getting faster all the time that is the main thing.