Starngely I have been more productive today than most work days – not sure why. I have been working on a couple of new products – my new TeamTrack client and a library I am working on for dealing with the WebServices. I am developing both at the same time, and although I do not need to develop the library at the moment, I am learning a heap about how things work together, and the library is becoming more complete because of it. This is also encouraging me to make the user interface side of things as generic as possible.

There is a story in The Times about how there are a heap of new IP addresses available with the move from Version 4 to Version 6 of the Internet Protocol. There are currently only 4 billion IP addresses out there… which is not really enough. The new version has something approaching an unlimited number of IP addresses… But the other statistics mentioned in the article are interesting – of the 50 billion emails sent each day world wide, 88% are spam and virii. These virus emails make up 1% of total emails.