Australia Post have just rung to say they will be dropping in sometime in the next hour to look at the water meter that was damaged a couple of weeks back. They noted that there was no damage to their bikes reported, which is unfortunate for me. But the guy looks like he is keeping an open mind. Given the locations it is unlikely that it would have been anyone but Australia Post. Oh, and others have reported that the postal workers sometimes put their foot on our water meter to ballance themselves as they put the mail in our next door neighbours box.

After the meeting this morning that went for double what I expected (two hours instead of one), the coding is finally getting done. I am finally getting somewhere with this code – I am working on the history functionality at the moment, and later this afternoon I might get onto the reporting engine. Initially I thought the reporting side would be really simple as the code will mostly be identical, but thinking about things more I have realised that the business rules in the back end will need to be re-done. Argh! And it will be harder since the business rules will be working on a generic database…