I definitely should be in bed – I got to bed about 12:30AM this morning, and for some reason I woke up just after 6AM. So right now I am feeling a tiny bit tired and in need of some serious caffene. That will come in a little while – or maybe I will just fall asleep in my lounge chair in my office a little later.

BusinessWeek Online has a strange slideshow which lists Some of the accessories you can get for your iPod. They include am iPod toilet paper holder and a bullet proof case for the device. There is obviously a huge market for strange accessories… You can even get gloves that work with the iPod!

And Microsoft have released the source code to the Windows CE hardware emulator that comes with Microsoft Visual Studio. Nice to know it is available even if I know I will never use it…

And GeekStuff4U in japan has the ultimate PC accessory… A USB device. Missile launchers and fans and the like are common place for USB… This one is better… It is a huge red Self Destruct Button for your PC! Must be seen to be believed… Worth the US$60…