A few moments back I was looking at the software I was writing as it was being tested. I only have data from one vehicle going into the server that it is using so testing can be ‘interesting’… I just happened to be watching it a few moments back and saw the code that I have been working on actually work. The vehicle as driving around so it had a green ‘W’ displayed… Then the driver stopped and the icon changed to an orange ‘P’ indicating that the engine was running but the vehicle had stopped. Then finally the icon changed to a blue ‘P’ indicating that the driver had turned off the ignition. Exactly what I wanted.

There was an article in the Daily Telegraph today about the tracking of pedophiles in Western Australia using GPS. They have decided there that tracking by GPS is unreliable, and that it is probably not wise to rely on the technology at this stage to track potentially dangerous former prisoners. This is my view too… The technology is not really there yet. Besides which knowing approximately where someone is does not really hep that much – at least in my experience – not when you need absolute proof.