Now that I have had some food I am feeling a bit more human and alive. I am normally definitely a morning person – except when I suffer from a chronic lack of sleep.

I have been doing more work on my holiday in september – I was planning to drop in on Paris on the way around the work. The problem is that a single night in paris would probably cost about $1000 once I take into account the things that I would want to do in Paris – such as going to the Moulin Rouge and also the Eiffel Tower and the Louve. For this type of money I can spend a few more days in the UK. This might not be quite so glamourous but would still be somewhat amazing… I woucl have a chance to see some of the places in the UK that I have not previously had a chance to see…. Or more correctly would not have a chance to see.

There is a site on Science Addition.COM that contains 95 thesis of activism… it is an interesting read. So is Microsofts 12 Princlples for Windows Development.