I picked up a present for a friends birthday… I am hoping that he does not see this post, although I think that is unlikely for a number of reasons which I will not go into right now. I picked up this device at a local store and has the immortal words ‘Thank you for your kindly patronage and please care to use to avoid hurting yourself’, as well as ‘Covering five pieces of specific exchange blade inside’. There is a logo on the bottom corner noting ‘2005-2008 double customers service planned’… as well as a stick on label saying ‘WARNING: This product contains a sharp edge which is essential to its operation’. Concidering the product has the word cutter in the name I would guess it would have a sharp edge. Welcome to jinglish, or in this case Taiwish.

I just got another nice order today – this one will be dispatched tomorrow probably, and will pay for half of my coming trip… The sort of jobs that I like really. They are getting a great product that does what they need, and it does not take too much effort for me to provide it.

Anyway I have to get going – I have to get ready to take mum to her appointment.