Tomorrow I will be spending the day over at Pymble. I have some hardware to play with which should be quite fun. But in order to play with the hardware I will need to write a bit of software which might be a bit more of a challenge. I can never remember how to write the VB.NET code to do the job that I need to do – that is to take a URL, and decode it into something that looks like it should make sense. The fun part will be that I will be debugging the setup of the hardware over at Pymble, and the software both on my laptop and at home. I really do need to work out how to do remote debugging and execution.

More research on Thailand. I have found that there is a Science museum and an Imaging/photography museum in Bangkok. Sounds like a great couple of places to visit. I found these on the Thailand Guidebook.COM Web Site which looks great. I also found a list of shopping on their Site. It is a bit less gloomy and better set out than the one on BangkokBob.COM. It looks more up to date though.