Couple of things to begin with. In Bangkok in the Landmark Hotel there is a Bank. I think it is called TMB or something like that for The Military Bank. I cannot remember exactly what it is and what it stands for. It is a BANK! Anyway looking into the office they have the normal PC’s with their flat screens. But they also have two or three typewriters set up too. And these are not electric typewriters. They are manual ones. How do I know this? Well that is the more concerning thing.

The window of the office is clear glass. And the workstations for staff go right up to the glass. I could see credit applications from outside. That is quite amazing. Not only are there privacy issues, there is also fraud and identity theft issues.

Also, this morning I needed to call Australia. It was really simple. I installed the X-Lite software onto my laptop, and configured it with the Faktortel VoIP settings, and I made calls for 10 cents each. And the sound quality was great. Also people could call me if they knew my number. And these calls would be free. Amazing really.