Some might say this is too early to be concerned, but the SMH is starting to report on the a Year 2038 Problem. This problem affects most systems programmed in ‘C’ who count times as the number of seconds since 1970. The issue is that they used a ‘signed integer’ so sometime in that year time will go backwards to somewhere early in the 1900’s… This problem is likely to be bigger than the Y2K problem.

Helen Mirren was quite concerned to be playing The Queen in a post-Dianna movie. Not surprising really I would guess.

On House last night was a song which was also used as the theme of CSI: NY. I could not place the name, but I knew it had to be THE WHO. I was right. It was Baba O’Reiley.

The Lyrics start off :-
Out here in the fields
I plowed for my meals
I get my back into my living
I don’t need to fight
To prove I’m right
I don’t need to be forgiven