Installing Windows

Well, notice how the description here above does not actually say which version of windows I am instaling. There is a good reason for this. Let me first say that I am doing everything on this PC. Let me explain

Yesterday I picked up a new mother board, and built that into a new server. Only 2.4 GHz with a gByte of RAM. Well, the gByte of RAM was what this box needed. This moring I installed Windows Server 2003. After else what else would a home user want to use? Nothing but the best :-). OK. Stop laughing now.

So, I have this new box to play with. But I dont really have a need for a machine like this. After all the main reason for this machine is to test software. And mainly desktop stuff at that. So I have this useless PC.

I am using Remote Desktop to work with this PC though. Sort of cool, and much much faster than VNC. VNC is nice. This is great. So, here we are with this cool machine.

Now for the other toy – a program called Microsoft Virtual PC 2004. It retails for US$129, and is really cool. I wish I had been able to use this a few years back when I was at Pacific Power. What it allows me to do is to run Windows software on this server.

Didn’t I just say that this was a Windows server already? Well, yes. But I did not say what windows software I was installing. I am installing Windows XP on this machine. And to confuse matters more, I am typing this on the machine I am installing XP onto.

But how can that be? That is impossible. Well, yes, it is. But I am doing it, and it is doing it well. You see, windows can now run Windows on Windows. It is sort of cute to have Windows XP installing right now in a small window of my screen and being able to type this blog at the same time.

And then I will be able to clone the XP Install at will, just by copying the file. Therefore I will be able to rollback changes at will. I even chose how much RAM I installed. In this case I chose 128K, but I think I can change that.

Should work well… I hope.