VB.Net Services – No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be…..

I have been playing mroe with services. I have an install to do on monday and i am working with a new GPS receiver that is smaller and less conspicuous. I am also playing with a server for the GPS. When I tried to install the server software I started getting an error

No public installers with the RunInstallerAttribute.Yes attribute could be

found in the d:projectstestmywindowsservicebinmywindowsservice.exe


By looking at DotNet247 I found that the solution was very easy. The problem was that the environment for the path was pointing to the Version 1.0 of the .Net framework, and not to Version 1.1. The solution was to change the path being used to run InstallUtil. It is as simple as that.

Now, the only problem is that my code for parsing is not working correctly with this new GPS. Something slightly different with the NMEA sentence. Or it might be the server code not accepting a good packet. Time for some debugging after I watch The Bill.

Music: Real McCoy – Automatic Lover

Actually, if you have not heard it have a listen to Sleeping With An Angel. Well worth the listen. Sounds like a modern day Neil Diamond with a group of female backup singers.