What does today hold?

So what does today hold for me? Well, hopefully a run this morning. The temperature sounds right. I just hope I can find some running shoes – I know I have some here somewhere. [P.S. 9AM. Found the shoes. Went for a jog, but didn’t take the GPS this time. Did probably just under 1km. If I got the map out I could calculate it, but right now I couldn’t be bothered. I will probably go jogging again tomorrow.]

Then there is my accounts to be done. I am SLOWLY working through them. Of course I need to go to the bank too to deposit all those cheques. I haven’t discovered any cheques for $300,000 yet, but I am hoping I will find a few of those 😉 I must say I doubt that I will.

I just cleaned my wallet from and got rid of all the old receipts. $30NZ needs to be put into my safe with the Pounds, Euro, Singapre Dollars and US Dollars… But I found a voucher for a free cheeseburger at Burger King… But it expired on Valentines Day, and was only valid in New Zealand…

According to a Story on the BBC, a group in New Zealand have built their own StoneHenge just north of Wellington. Next time I am in the area I think I will drop by and have a look. I would love to see the original in the UK one of these days.

Hopefully today in the real work side there should be some hardware and software work. Writing software and actually building things. I could not stand doing either exclusively, but the combination of the both works well…

And some good news… Looks like Life Line will receieve the funding it needs. There is a proposal in the government that it should be funded through a compulsory fund by telstra as a ‘Community Service Obligation’ under the Telecommunications Act.

From SlashDot.Org… “California has a new excuse for more taxes. Claiming losses due to fuel-efficient cars, such as Gasoline/Electric Hybrids, California is cooking-up a new system to punish people who aren’t using enough gasoline. They want to tax commuters by the mile. How would this be accomplished? By requiring everyone to install a GPS device in their vehicle, and charge them their “taxes” every time they fuel-up. From the article: ‘Drivers will get charged for how many miles they use the roads, and it’s as simple as that.. [a] team at Oregon State University equipped a test car with a global positioning device to keep track of its mileage. Eventually, every car would need one.'”. More information can be found on CBS News

Anyway time to go. I need to get breakfast.

Music: Well, I have listened to the Delta CD… and there are only three songs that are decent… Mistaken Identity, Out of the Blue and then there is a duet but I can’t remember the name of it. All the other tracks seem to sound the same. Disappointing really.