Cleaning Up

I have been cleaning up the garage. I know there is a lot of junk there but I really had forgotten how much. I am getting rid of stuff all over the place. There is a whole lot of stuff which I thought I wanted to play with at the time, but now I know I dont have the time or the inclination. So I am finding homes for some of it. Other bits are being thrown out.

My goal for the next few days is to fill a large box I have with stuff to be thrown out. I think I will get there.

Readers should ask if they want any of the stuff I have lying around here. Like I have some graphics tablets from 4″x5″ up to 12″x18″. Stuff which any artist would kill for, which leaves me out in the cold. Basically I am wanting to give these away. A donation would be cute, but really I just dont want to thow them out – not since the 12″x18″ one is worth about $1200 or so new. I also have found 8 GPS recievers with tracking units to be plugged into radios. And other stuff which would bore most people to tears.

Long time readers will know that I have an event at Wyong Racecourse on the 27th, and I can take some of the stuff I want to dispose of up there. The only thing I need to ensure is that I dont bring too much other stuff back. I still need to write my talk the event.. And decide on a subject…Hmm.

When I was in Des Moines, I gave three talks… Maybe I will give one of those. That might be the easy way out… Now I just need to choose which one to give.

Tomorrow I will probably be building… All the parts we painted last weekend are now dry, so things can start in ernest.

Music: Right now Evanescence is playing on random play