Sunday Morning

Today will probably be another day at home, apart from church. There is the chance i will be going over to work on the plane after church, but I guess not since I have not heard anything yet. Still, I have a whole lot of things to do here. Too many things in fact… Something that I have mentioned before.

It is a real pain having a faulty HDD in my old Laptop. The laptop is good for monitoring things whilst I work on my main laptop for other work. I guess this really means that I must put that service call in for my main laptop now.

Yesterday when I was attempting to give a demo of the work I did to a ham radio friend, I found a problem with the software I am using to send data to our outsourced server in New Zealand. Looking at it right now the server has died over there. Unfortunately no trip needed for me to go over to fix it. I would be tempted not to get on the plane to come back if I did 🙂

I think I will mow the lawns in the next little while… They really need doing.

Music: I have mentioned my MP3 playing jukebox a lot on this Blog. I have created a demo account on the jukebox is people want to have a look around. This password will not let you actually play any of the music, but you still might find it fun to look. If any readers wants the URL and the password, just send me an email.