No Run yesterday….

No Run yesterday….

No run yesterday. By the time I got home from an afternoon taking my business partner from the airport to Penrith, then to a friends business and back to the airport, I was exhausted.

12 Apostles Helicopter Rides

When he was up here yesterday, Jack once again asked when I was going to go to visit the 12 Apostles. He also owns a helicopter tour company called 12 Apostle Helicopters offering tours of the area. From what I have seen, the tour would be spectacular. I really want to get down there at some stage. I was hoping to get down there in mid-february, but I didn’t get a chance.

Maybe I will get down there soon. We will see.

BTW, this is a photo of me in one of Jack’s helicopters. It is from my phone camera so the quality is poor. But this is the closest I have been to actually riding in a helicopter.

Another Photo

When I was thinking about the helicopter ride I remembered I had a nice photo of Chicargo from the Air at night. I took about 5 different photos, and this is the only one that turned out. I was amazed that any of them did actually. The big black area is Lake Michigan.