
Mostly 80’s stuff in the backgroud… Some of the 80’s stuff is so dated. Some is just so timeless. Just with any musical era I guess. Because I am recording at the moment I am not playing any CD’s or MP3’s. I do have a normal radio, but the ones I have are elsewhere in the house.

I was cleaning up my desk today and I found some airline vouchers from September which did not get Frequent Flyer points on them. I should contact Qantas and see if they will still redeem them. I think it is only one Alitalia let that is missing, and a BA trans-atlantic which gets 25% normal points, and maybe an American Airlines trip in the USA. All in all not many points. Actually the status credits are more valuable, but I will still not get enough to get to the next level of frequent flyer by June when my year drops out.


My Dell DVD writer is so much nicer than before. They upgraded it to an 8x recorder when they replaced it. I guess this is cheaper than keeping older inventry. The recorder also does double sided discs which is cute… If only I had some.

CD’s are bad. DVD’s are good

Now that I have the DVD burner working, I now have the job of moving old CD’s to DVD’s. Right now I have probably 70 CD’s to convert to DVD’s. They are all on a stack – and they will be copied and disposed off. Not that I ever need to access this information – some of it is just library material… But just in case. I would rather store 10 DVD’s containing 47 GBytes than 70 CD’s. It is just so much easier to search for stuff on DVD’s. When something bigger comes out I will be even happier.

Soon I will need to move VHS tapes to DVD too. I just dont have the hardware for that at the moment. One of these days I will set that up. I have been meaning to buy a video camera for a few years too… Maybe I will get both at the same time.

Right now I am burning DVD number five. Leaving a stack of 46 CD’s to be copied to DVD. If this sounds a bit strange, remember that I work for myself, and these are my professional library. And the way to manage information is to store it in a way that is easy on the person trying to use it. At some stage I will implement a decent document management system and import all this data into it.


CNN has an interesting Article on Blogging.

A PABX for your home

There is a Site talking about a home PABX using Asterisk.