More Microsurgery

A Run

I have done another run this afternoon. It was basically the same as the one last week where i did about 2.45kM, although in this case I can assure you I was more exhausted at the end. I think I was running a bit fast at the beginning. It was my intent to do another 500m but I just did not feel up to it.

So, why have I started running. There are a few reasons for this.

  • Stress Reduction. The last couple of months have been really stressful for me, and running helps reduce the stress level. Thankfully I am now a whole lot less stressed than I was a month and a half ago, and I am thankful for that. But running is good for stress levels.
  • Get rid of agression. Not that I am agressive. I rarely even raise my voice even in the middle of an argument. Just that running is a great way to get any anger out of my system. It seems to work well.
  • Get into shape. Not that I am out of condition. It is just that I want to get more in shape.
  • Get Healthier. I have found that when I exercise I am healthier. During winter I do not seem to get as many colds or flu as often. This is definitely a good thing.

Often I use my GPS as a way to make the running fun. I do not running by a road or anything like that. I like being near nature, and turning the run into an adventure.

More Microsurgery

I am doing more microsurgery today. I am changing things around this time. I am cutting wires first and then soldering them on. This seems to make things go faster. Not sure if it actually helps. I would like to think that it does.

Thankfully I have not burnt any fingers today. This is a good thing. I don’t like pain, and burning fingers is not nice. I did manage to drop a hot part onto my leg. This hurt a bit, but not too much since the part was smaller than a grain of rice.


One of my friends has sent through a plot showing his SPAM levels since August 2003. What he is seeing is that Spam has been decreasing since about November 2004. I think that my Spam level has been decreasing, but I really cannot tell since I use a few tricks to reduce spam before it gets to my PC.