
I got a lot of the work done that I needed to today. It does not need to be complete until Tuesday morning, but much of it needs to be tested. And I have mentioned my to-do list before. It is too long.

This afternoon a friend came over and took some bits and pieces that I offered him. I am getting rid of things that I don’t want, don’t need, or can’t justify keeping slowly. Maybe I should just get a Skip in and that would force me to tidy stuff up fast. Then again I really dont have the time. I am sure that someone will suggest I stop writing this. Well, um, yes. But I use this as a break from work.

Dilbert… On Single People

I found the following Dilbert cartoon a while back… I loved it… And I just found it again… So, without violating too much of the copyright… Here it is.

Boss: My new policy is to discriminate against single people. It’s totally legal!

Boss: Write your marital status on this list so I know who has no reason to go home at night.

Boss: Dang! What are the odds that you’d all be polygamists?

An Old Project

This was for the Goodwill Games back in 2001 in Brisbane. We wanted to remotely control the movement of a dish on top of one of the TV Towers in Brisbane. I designed and built the control box for the system. We wanted to be able to dial into the controller and point it at where on the ground the microwave signal was coming from.

Basically the concept was that I put a GSM modem inside the controller, and we could dial up to it at any time, and change where the dish was pointed. I can remember dialing into it from Sydney for a test.

Anyway I need to get going. I have to cook myself some dinner… and Monster Garage is on too.