Meeting at the Stamford Plaza Double Bad

I had a meeting in the Stamford Plaza in Double bay this morning. It is really nice, and if I ever need to stay in the city for any reason looks like a nice place to visit. Getting there was fairly straight forward, not too far away from the exit of the Eastern Distributor. Getting back was a bit harder, since there was a no right turn where I wanted to get onto a street to get back to the city. But I eventually found a route to South Dowling Street via Centenial Park.

Direct-X Programming Under VB.NET

I need to move a product to .Net quickly. When I upgraded my PC to XP ServicePack 2 I was no longer able to compile the old version of the software in VisualBasic 6. So now I have to do a quick conversion. I have most of the code done already, but not all of it. The part that was causing me problems was working out how to display live video under VB.NET.

Thankfully I found an Article On The Code Project that told me what to do. This article is actually complaining about some of the aspects of trying to play a video in some specialist ways but tells me what to do anyway. Strangely it seems the Microsoft calls the technology “DirectX DirectShow” but is accessed through Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback. This is slightly counter intuitive and does not fit the the naming of the rest of the DirectX function calls. [ARGH. I was just typing the word ‘calls.’ and four times I spelt it ‘call.s’. Well, it is correct now]


Photo of the Day

OK. This photo is taken from the front seat of a car during the Sydney Olympics. Not a great photo. This photo was taken in Auburn. I was sitting in the front right hand seat. The driver was in the front left seat. The vehicle we were driving in was registered in Pennsylvania, USA, and was of course left hand drive.

One of my was driving another vehicle during the Olympics, also left hand drive. They didn’t feel it was ‘right’ so they went to K-Mart and purhcased a steering wheel cover and taped it to the vehicle where the steering wheel would have been. This was fine until the passenger sitting in this seat got in trouble with the police. The car was pulled over and the policeman started complaining that the person in the right seat was driving using a mobile phone. He then realised that the steering wheel was only taped on, and that the real driver was on the other side of the car. He was rather embarrased.