Working for Myself

Depending on the way you look at it today has been great or horrible. I found a bug today in some code I supplied for a really major client. This is really really bad. The units failed after 12 minutes. Thankfully I have found the problem. And it also explains some other issues that this client has been having. In the process I think I might have saved this client. And I really hope I have saved this client. For their sake as well as mine.

I love some clients. I just had a client ring because I had not invoiced him yet. When I said that I had not yet reached the mutually negotiated billing amount he was gladly surprised. Right now I have to write a spec for him, and then send him the invoice. And I think I just got some MYOB consulting from him too. He wants to set up BPay and Credit Card By Phone, things that I have with my business.

What I have found is that my clients love having the ability to pay which ever way they like. Direct Deposit is good, but the audit trail is not as easy as with BPay and Credit Cards since they are harder to link with what is in the accounting system. I even have people from overseas ringing my 1300 billing number to pay bills. I love this. I send them the bill in $A and they just use a credit card. What could be easier.

It certainly is easier than getting a cheque from the USA cashed, and safer than having US$2,000 in your pocket leaving the USA when the client paid part of their bill in cash (Well, that only happened twice. )