
“Otto Titsling” by Bette Midler from the “Beaches” Soundtrack. How cool a song. I really want to see how it is used in the movie. Now Madonna is on with ‘Easy Ride’ which does not really sound like one of her classic songs. Now is Pink Floyd’s ‘Eclipse’, another of those songs that don’t really date. Then Melanie C’s ‘Never be the same again’. Now Missy Higgins… Her music is so beautiful. It took me a while to work out what her song ‘Ten Days’ was actually saying. You have to take careful not of the words. ‘The Special Two’ is also great.

Justice Kirby

The more I hear about Justice Kirby of the High Court the more I like him. Today there is a story in the SMH about how he is suggesting that the time and energy being put into counter-terrorism could be better spent elsewhere. Also on the legal side, there is an article on GrokLaw.Net about open source software allowing car computers to be accessed without very expensive software and hadrware


I outsourced some work but the guy doing the work dropped out. Fortunately I had not paid him yet, but it means that I need to do the work that I was getting him to do. And it is easier for me to do the work than explaining it to someone else who does not know the code at all. The work in particular is database programming. I have not done much of this for about twelve months, and I love other things more that that. Not that I don’t enjoy it, but there are things that I would rather be doing.