My book has arrived from Angus and Robertson’s finally. And it is not a good book to have, if you need to work. You see, I am finding it hard to put down. The chapters are short, and the book itself is only about 175 pages. I have a feeling I will have the book read within the next few days, and a review written here soon after. Well that is my hope.

Correction: It is now 1:15pm and I have just finished the book. It was that hard to put down. I am glad that I read the book – it was a good read. I am still not sure how I am going to write a review of it, but I would certainly recommend reading the book. I found it refreshing, if short. I think I need to spend some time thinking about the content before I write the review.


I have been doing some more coding. The problem with coding is when you want to use the same program to do about a million very similar tasks is that sometimes you forget about the insignificant variations that interact in strange ways. Sometimes it takes ages to find the interactions. In this case it has taken me a few days to work out, and it was only when the program seemed to crash that I realised that the software was not operating how it should have.


I will be going running today. Sometime later today. Not sure how far I will get, but it should be at least the 2.5km for the short version of my long course. I will try to get the 3km version done but I am not sure how successful I will be at that.