After taking junk to the tip this morning, the boot of my car needed a bit of a clean so I gave the whole car a vacuum… I can assure you it really needed it. I think it needs more but what it got certainly helped most of the way. And I spent some more time cleaning the Garage following that. More rubbish thrown out, and more to be thrown out. But I am fairly happy with the progress. I could throw a lot more stuff out quickly if I needed to, but since there is room there, and things are neat and tidy I dont really need to at this stage.

I spent some more time writing the book review this afternoon, but I am finding it hard. The book was a highly interesting read, but working out what to say about it is not easy. I found the book confronting to some extent, and I am not sure yet what I want to say when I review it. The only thing I am really sure of is that I actually do want to review it.

Los Angeles

The LA Times has a story on the correct name of Los Angeles. About the only thing that people can agree on is that Los Angeles is in the name. Some people contend that the correct name is El Pueblo de la Reina de los Angeles Sobre el Rio de Porciuncula meaning “the town of the Queen of Angels on the Porciuncula River”. All other versions are variations on this. Los Angeles is just the short version of the name.


Sunday afternoon and monday I get to work on the plane. This will be fun, and a great chance to relax and think about something different for a change. I doubt that I will get a chance to update the blog much during this time, but you never know. Just depends on what we are working on, and what else is going on.

I am not actually sure what we will be working on. I think the wings are almost finished so we might actually get to start on the fuselage of the plane. There is still at least 12-18 months work to get the plane flying… It will definitely not be flying this weekend 🙂

Music and Movies:

Robbie Williams ‘Better Man’. I have also started watching ‘What Women Want’ which is quite a fun movie. I started watching the making of ‘Lantana’ but I did not feel quite in the mood for that. One of these days (or years) I will watch it… One of these days.