It is probably 90 minutes before sunset, and about 20 minutes before boarding my flight home to Sydney. I am sitting here with about 140 degree views of the airport field with the long shadows of the April sky. I have music on, and I am looking forward to the flight home.

My plane is already on the field, and in 30 minutes we should already have taken off. I love travelling at this time of day… Although driving home during the daylight is certainly nicer. It is certainly peaceful with the headphones cutting off much of the background noise. Then again since this is Albury, there is not too much background noise anyway.

In the distance I can see green hills covered with native Australian trees. And huge numbers of trees all around actually. And being Australian evergreen trees, they all still have their leaves and are not turning red, orange or bronze as we approach the winter months.

Outside there is a slight wind so the flight should be nice going home. I have not checked the weather in Sydney but I expect that it will be fine up there too… I would guess that we may get a tiny bit of turbulence just west of Canberra but I would guess that would be all.

Basically things are fine and the world is good.