I watched half of The Incredibles on DVD last night. I will watch the rest tomorrow… I don’t think it is as good as the other PIXAR stuff which is unfortunate… Pixar have some talented animators, and they have done a good job. I just think that the story is a tiny bit weak…

I had an email from a client of mine. Their client are really happy with the tracking software that I have written, but want me to extend it. They are even happy to pay for me to upgrade it. That last bit is the best bit. The things that they want done are things that I would want to do anyway, but I have not really had the time to do… Or the need if the truth be told.

So right now I need to think about their list and work out what a reasonable price is for it. And how to implement all the required features. I like this… I get a client to pay for modifications to a product that I am selling to other clients. They know this and are fine with this too. They get an improved product out of it… and if other clients do the same, they get improved results too… Well, another client has already done this and they like the feature that this client has comissioned.

One of the other programs I was working on today is just about finished. The issue I am having right at the moment is related to printing – and print preview. I have print preview working correctly with my software, but the printing will not let you choose a different printer, and it will not print the first page of a two page document. Apart from that it is looking good.