Yesterday afternoon I was a working on Richard’s plane this afternoon, which explains the lack of posts to this blog. Well, and also the fact that Blogger was not working with my Web Site. When I got home I did not realise how tired I was… So I have waited until this morning to update on things. That way I could write what I wanted to. I think I mentioned earlier that we were working on the wing, and were probably completing it…

Turns out this this did not quite happen. The first 90% of the job has taken 90% of the time, and the last 10% of the job has taken the other 90% of the time. It has been like that with the wings. The first thing that we worked on was mounting the control rods for the ailerons on the wings. Richard had tried to mount these rods and needed some help. With some help from Richard I was able to get the rods attached without too many problems. Doing this on the two wings took some time but it was not really all that hard.

Then we started working on the fibreglass ends for the wings. The fibreglass was complete, but needed to be tuned and mounted. This was remarkably easy to do. We chose the right tool to make some minor cuts to the fibreglass. We were both surprised at how well this worked – things just went perfectly for us for once. Richard now just needs to do a whole lot of sanding on it.

Followng this we gooped the top of one of the fuel tanks. As usual this was messy, but not as messy as normal since it was a quick job. This was the last gooping for the entire plane… We hope.

I am not sure I have ever said why I am helping Richard build this plane… I can tell you it is not because I want to fly in it… That really is not a concideration. What is more important to me is the sense of achievement in doing the building… And the fact that Richard asked me to help him building it. Other guys help their friends put in a new shed in their backyard. I help Richard build a plane in his…

Anyway that is an update on my afternoon… albeit slightly delayed.