6KM, 40min 20sec, 8.93 KM/H

6KM, 40min 20sec, 8.93 KM/H

WOW… I did a 6km run this afternoon. That is the longest I have ever run in my life. I am feeling really really proud of myself – As you might be able to work out from the title I ran 6Km in 40 minutes 20 Seconds. This comes out to be about 8.93 KM/H. I have not only met my goals but I have exceeded them by some large extent. My goals were to go 5km and 30 minutes. I have now gone 6km and 40 minutes, beating both of my goals by over 20%. I don’t think I will go running tomorrow – I think I need a rest. I was a bit tired when I got back, and did not really want to do any work for a little while.

I have the GPS log in the screen dump below to show that I really did it. Ok, so it does not actually prove anything but at least it looks cool, and shows that I at least spent a bit of time in photoshop making this up. But I did not make this up – I promise. If I did I would not be feeling quite so exhausted.

Seems like the PowerTel outage today has caused problems all over the place. I have been trying to connect to a sever and I have not been getting through all the time. I had a phone call a little while back from a client who had receieved some error messages thanks to his network going down. Right now I am having problems connecting to a server thanks to the routing issues.

I saw this and loved it – what I am referring to is a Pneumatic Elevator for use in a house. It looks cool, and is fairly useful, although it does look a bit small. It looks so much better than having a large square device in the middle of the floor. On the obscure front there is a story on This Site about a person who has built a ‘3D Printer’ from mechano using hot glue. With some electronics it might be an interesting thing to see…

Photo of the Day

This is a photo of Wallerawang Power Station near Lithgow. The important thing to note is the computer screens. These were running software that I wrote as an undergraduate. They did not actually let you control the power station but the buttons connected to the screens would let you bring up all manner of details about the power station, letting you make decisions on how the place would operate.