Finally some personal stuff… I have just got back from a run – so here I am sitting down and waiting to cool down a bit – with some mineral water next to me to re-hydrate. Once I finish this entry I will have cooled down and I can have a shower. I only did 3.75km in about 25 minutes. This is about my normal speed but I just did not feel like trying to do more distance. I did sprint for the final few hundred meters which is probably why I am a bit exhausted right now. In addition to feeling a bit exhausted, it was also starting to rain. Enough reasons to stop…

I have been needing to do some work with a Trimble GPS. Now, these devices are not the easiest in the world to deal with. Trimble does not like to distribute their configuration programs unless you buy a developers kit which is almost no use and quite expensive. But the developers kit comes with a cable to program the GPS units from their default settings. This would be fine except that the connector is so small and it runs from 3.3v.

So I needed to do microsurgery to make up an interface cable. Personally I think that the real cable will be worth it in production, but I needed to test this today so that we can get production started tomorrow. To cut a long story short, my cable works.

I have included a photo here, but it really does not show the effort required to make up the cable… Anyway that is it – time for a shower.