I have just got back from visiting a friend. I went over to program a radio for one of my clients. Unfortunately the radio refused to program. I was doing this as a freebie, so I don’t feel too bad about not being able to program the radio. My friend did have something else for me though – something more interesting.

He needed to visit the airport and solve a communications problem for one of the cariers. They had a mobile radio issue, and my friend wants me to be able to take care of this customer whilst he is away next month. So I got to meet some of the cariers staff and got to spend some time in their operations control room.

This was really interesting, and showed another side to the airline industry – the side that the general public does not normally see. It was also strange going to the airport to do some work rather than go somewhere – and seeing all the other people there who were actually going somewhere. Well worthwhile. My friend asked me if I wanted to spend a day in Melbourne to see the setup down there – and said that I could stay a bit longer down there if I wanted. Sounds fun.

Anyway, more later.. Right now my mouth is a bit numb – I had Thai for lunch and they are continuing to make it hotter for me…