This morning I have done some coding – not much actually. I have been doing more thinking about how to test the tracker, and make sure that all the functions are included. Most are, but there are a few that I have missed out. Just thinking about things seems to work fairly well to search for what I need to add.

One of the tasks is to document things – an instruction manual. Not even to the how to fit the device – more of the capabilities and the configutation paramaters, and even the protocol on how it talks to the real world. I should have the code finished today, apart from some bug fixes and testing.

Unfortunately I need to come up with a test plan of some type – this is an important product and it needs to be correct. The manual is now up to 11 pages, although there is much in it that I will not keep in the final version. In fact it will soon contain all the circuit diagrams and designs so that everything is together, making it more a Technical Description rather than a users manual. Anyway I had better get back to work, and also grab some lunch…


Dido’s great song ‘This Land Is Mine’ came up on Random Play. Fantastic. I am playing Coldplay in the car right now… Cool.