I have been busy doing some work this afternoon doing some prep work for the production run of trackers… This has included stripping some wires, and cleaning the workbench. When I was doing this I came across a dis-assembled Morse Key.

About two or three years back I decided that I would get the key cleaned up and re-chromed. I am not sure exactly about the history of it – I will need to ask my father. I think it might have been my grandfather’s from World War II – Or it may have been just a military surplus item purchased by my father when he was young.

Anyway I inherited it when I was young… and it was sticking on a larger piece of wood. Not all that useful. Anyway I removed it from the big board, and it has been my intent to learn to use it one day. About 10 years back I did start to learn but I gave up with the pressures of work and uni.

There have been various reports in the last few months about how morse is faster than SMS. These tests are significantly biased against SMS since they are not a fair fight. I think I would rather send an SMS rather than a morse code message. Then again I would rather send an Email rather than an SMS. And then Have a real conversation than an electronic one too.