Last night on TV I tried watching Boston Legal taped from Tuesday Night. I am glad I taped it, and did not watch it live. That way I did not need to waste the time on watching all of it… The storyline seemed to be on a par with Ally McBeal or The Practice, but without the warm and fuzzy feel. Sure, I did not watch a lot of it, but I would hope that this program gets better. I suppose that William Shatner was in it was a give away to what it might be like, but I did expect better than this.

From SlashDot comes a link to a poor company that gets over 1,000,000 SPAM emails a day. That is huge. I think this is just a one or two person company. The owner describes how he keeps his spam level down. I have a friend who gets about 100,000 a day on an old mail address and I thought that was bad…

From the USA comes an interesting Taxi Ride, where a vintage blue taxi is converted into a seagoing vessel carrying several Cuban immigrants. It was off Key West, Florida by the Coast Guard. It had been modified with a boat prow in front and appeared to have at least four immigrants aboard.