I was quite tired last night, but that did not stop me from being woken up by the Garbage truck at about 6am. Today will be another day full of working on the plane – today is the base of the seats and the baggage compartment. In a few weeks we weill be doing a huge painting event – but hopefully before it gets too cold. I have memories of coming away from preparing the parts with wet overalls and soaked shoes, with socks drenched.

Something I did not mention about albury… Many parts of the town need a street sweeper thanks to the leaves falling off trees. It was so bad that I found it hard to work out where the road was at times. I am not kidding. It was worse when gutters were blocked and the leaves were on top of water in the gutters making it even harder to use the gutter as a visual reference.

On the way to Albury I saw a sign to a place called ‘Jinderlic’. What a strange name. I had heard of ths before… The old Aunty Jack show on the ABC (which I have seen a couple of episodes of as re-runs) has a character called ‘Flash Nick from Jinerlic’.

This site has how to build a spot welder. Cute. And this one has instructions on building an acceleration meter.