Work went well this morning dropping the trackers at my clients. Only arrived 45 minutes late but I knew that was going to happen. Thankfully I managed to fluke getting into the Eastern Distributor without many hassles. In fact it was too easy. Someone was looking after me there.

Cleaning up my office this afternoon I found some grommets that I had thought I had left in Albury. I looked everywhere, except in this one box which I thought only had boxes in it. At had boxes, and all my grommets. I got this batch of trackers delivered, and just need to work on the next batch.

I am getting through a week’s worth of email…. Some days I have caught up with… Others I still have things to do. All in all things are going well. I did not manage to get breakfast until 11:30 this morning… I was going to go for a run this afternoon – well, about now, but a cool change has hit and it looks like it might rain soon. Unlike Summer Rain (Belinda Carlisle), I do not want to be caught in Winter Rain.

Anyway, back to Emails.


I have decided that it might be a good idea to do a travel related playlist for the iPod. Stuff like ‘Life in a Northern Town’, ‘Queen of Hollywood’, ‘The Ballad of Lucy Jordan’ by Marrianne Faithful (“At the age of 37, she realized she’d never ride through Paris in a sports car with the warm wind in her hair…”)…