I hope this weekend is more relaxing for me than last weekend. I have some of the trackers basically complete except for some connectors and uploading the latest software onto them. I have some more that I cannot do any more on until I get new cases. What this means is that I probably have some free time for other tasks.

I made Stirfry beef for dinner tonight. Tasted really nice. I made creamed rice for desert with the leftover rice – probably one of my favourite deserts, and one of the easiest to make. For those that do not know the recipe – rice, evapourated milk and some sugar. Boil the rice; and then mix the rice with the evapourated milk and the sugar, and then heat it up in the microwave. As deserts go this is not too un-healthy, and so simple to make.

I have been reading more of Bill Bryson’s ‘A Short History of Nearly Everything’. This book contains so much research, and is written in a really entertaining way. I would call it a must read.


I turn to You… By Mel C on the iPod.