Looking at the Web server logs, I saw a link from DumbFind.COM which intrigued me thanks to its name. They were spidering my site to put into their index. Sometime next month they will be starting a new search engine, with a cool-ish sounding name… Not sure if they are just another search engine or if they will be offering anything different.

The BBC has an interesting article on the openess of the press in the UK, or more correctly how open it is not. The editorial describes how much of the information available about the london bombing evidence has been released through US authorities. Releasing much of this information would be a contempt of court according to the UK rules. The author makes the point that with the Internet, these rules are a bit obsolete, and maybe things should be opened up a bit more.

The Register has a long article on the state of border security in the UK, and why ID cards are pretty well not going to solve any problem over there. One of the reasons that there is a person held in Rome for the failed bombings is that they are not actually checking anyone going out of the country by Eurostar train since they aparently have no staff to do this. And even if they did then they do not have a single watchlist of people to watch for. They make the point about the brazillian who was killed by police still having an indeterminate imigration status – with people suggesting his visa to stay in the UK was forged. Hmm.

Anyway I have some programming to do today… Some Rabbit programming, and some windows stuff. Tomorrow I should be working on the plane. This should be really really fun…