With this web site, people have asked how I get such good results in Google, and how I have so many pages. Well, the first rule of a Business Web Site is very very simple. Add one page per day to the Web Site until you have enough pages. Make sure that they are cross-linked too, so that users and search engines can navigate through them.

Then make sure that you update pages when they are needed. At least once per year to change the Copyright at the bottom of a page if nothing else. Preferably change the content when needed. If you restructure things, provide links from the old location.

Those two rules are the most important. Google loves content, and content that is linked to each other (within reason) and content that changes. So, how many web pages do I have? I don’t know exactly.

SlashDot has an interesting book review for Visual Studio Hacks containing hints and ideas for using Visual Studio. Since this is an application I use most days I might pick up this book sooner rather than later.

And the SMH has an interview with someone from the Nine Inch Nails. Quite a good interview really – and the interviewee seems totally honest about life and opinions about things. Good read, even for people like me who would not know a Nine Inch Nails song if it was played on the radio. Well, apart from ‘Hurt’.