I am working on the plane tomorrow… Should be great fun. Lots to do, and we will make lots of progress I guess. The idea is to get a lot of the fuselage put together, or at least ready to be put together next time.

I just got home from taking a whole lot of chemicals to the local council cleanup. I think this included a couple of old car batteries, some old engine oil, and lots of other old chemicals. Stuff that had accumulated over the years – and I had been waiting to get rid of. Frankly I was surprised at how much I had… I guess there is some more to get rid of, but that was enough for one day.

I saw a site on a modification for a snow blower here. They put an 8 cylinder engine on a snow blower. I guess this is slightly overkill. Every so slightly. It reminds me of the ‘more power’ on the SitCom ‘Home Improvement’.

And in the US there was an interesting appeals court decision over the legality of a policeman searching rubbish bins. The decision which can be read here basically says that in law the decision was correct, but then goes on to say that the decision is right ONLY in law, and not morally. This is not what normally gets said by judges I would guess.