Yesterday – Building… Hmm… We got around to re-riveting one of the floor ribs in after having drilled it out since we had not quite installed it correctly. By not quite installing it correctly I mean that we had placed one part of it on the wrong side of another piece of metal. So we drilled it out, and yesterday we riveted it back on.

But the problem was that doing this stressed the metal slightly causing some damage to the rib – which required some engineering time to think about the issues with the damage. Would the damage cause any problems. After visiting Glenn and talking to him it was decided that it was most likely not going to cause us any issues. But that took some time. After coming back from Glenn’s we then actually put some more work in – we had seen another problem there where we had assembled one part the wrong way – so we fixed that up quickly, and it looked much better.

Richard hopes to get a whole lot of drilling, dimpling and countersinking done this week…. Maybe. If so need weekend will be full on… I suspect that next weekend will be full on even if it is not… After all the plan is to get the plane and the car into their garage together…

I was looking at The Times Online to see if a new AudioBook had been released yet, and saw an interesting article on how a water tower had been converted into a house – and a quite amazing house at that. The house has its own WWW sitem and is linked to from the article. They took a brick and stone water tower, and built a house inside it and around it.

According to the article one of the issues was dealing with four foot wide walls at the bottom of the tower. Also, the site brings in income from the telecommunication services on the site… Interesting idea too…