What a day… I have this feeling that I have been on the phone half the day, and frantically at work the rest of the day. Right now I am almost finished getting a job out for the department of defence, and then I will be busy doing some more programming. And people have been ringing up from all over wanting me to do work for them. This is good.

There could be a trip on the cards to central queensland. I know this is not really the best time of the year to be doing this, but it could be worse… Not sure how, but it could be. A company up there wants a tracking system – and i think I have sold them on a fairly reasonably sized implementation. I am just now waiting on a purchase order for the first phase.

Then there is a request I got from a client in Europe. They want me to help them demo a tracking unit with my software. Unfortunately this tracker uses SMS, so I need to write some code to receive SMS messages… I have some rough code that would work but I really need something that is industrial strength. The cost of getting this written is not excessive, and it seems to be quite useful. I also had another request for SMS control of some equipment this morning – as I said things have been busy.

Anyway I need to get back to the workshop – I have to finish this DoD job off so I can get some other work done…