I solved the problem with the PIC stuff… Turned out to be the initialization of the ADC… Took too much time… So much so that I did not get lunch until 7:00pm this evening…

In the same vein as the Google Zeitgeist comes Amanzon.Com’s one. They allow you to see what people are buying by company, country or region. As an example, have a loook here and see what Microsoft people are buying…

I looked at what Australians are buying, and came across This CD by Billy Joel. It is called ‘Fantasies & Delusions, Op. 1-10’, and is classical music he has written over the last 10 years. Strange to think of Billy Joel writing classical music.

And on the subject of Microsoft, check this out. A poor hapless professional decided to make his own arrangements to get from Canada to Microsoft in Redmond, Washington State. The local airport is Seattle. He managed to fly into Redmond, Oregon, about 5 hours south. The first he knew was when he went inside and asked a taxi driver to take him to microsoft. Oops.

When I was in the USA one of the guys there was saying that he once managed to write off a rental car on the way to the airport [and was planning to arrive about a couple of hours before the flight was due to leave], and still made the flight… For once a flight delay was welcome, at least for him. He also pointed out that at least in the USA it is possible to pay about $10/year extra to get rental cards covered by insurance. Good idea.