My last post commented about how I was going to use interrupts to do the processing on this job. Well, it seems that PicBasic Pro does not handle Interrupts how I would have assumed that they work. They run when the previous statement has finished operating meaning that they are not quite so useful to use. This is not good, but I can work around it without too many hassles. Right now I am trying to get the 2nd serial port on the processor board receiving. Once I get that working, I think that there will probably be another day on this project – well, sort of. That will be another day doing major stuff anyway.

In my office today it is again one of those days where I definitely know where I am… with the two GPS trackers sending their positions out, and a third under development next to it.

The serial port issue is starting to bug me… There must be something logical… I just need to work though it step by step… I will try programming the speed by hand first and go from there… Time to do that rather than procrastinating about it…