I have just done about an hour painting the fense. It is amazing how much you can get done painting when the paint is cheap and you don’t care about getting paint on the ground. There is a lot more to do, but I did get a lot done in just the hour. Mind you, I was looking like a dalmation after the hour, with spots everywhere. These were brown spots though, and not black, but you get the picture. Actually, you do not get the picture – too embarasing, but you know what I mean…

I decided to buy myself a digital TV receiever today at Aldi – they had them really cheap, and I decided that I might as well see what they are all about. There is a lot of technology in them for the price, and they are only going to get more sophisticated. I did not realise that there were so many virtual channels there – ABC and SBS both have their 2nd digital channels. But there is also about 6 channels of parlimentary radio, HDTV channels, news, weather and even a christian channel. I must say that I am impressed.

I also picked myself up a heat gun at Aldi for $20. This is about $20 cheaper than I have seen them elsewhere and it is great for electronics stuff when I need to melt or bend things. I dont know how often I will use it, but I cannot complain for the price, and I have been meaning to buy one for a while anyway…