I just read a rather interesting article talking about the new Video iPod on the Wall Street Journal WWW site. Their review basically said cute toy, but dont expect too much from it. Expect this to be mainly a music player and see video as a bonus. Great way to look at such a product I think.

Getting lunch today, and the mail, I found out one thing… It is wet outside… I got drenched getting back to my car… Well, not too badly, and I am drying out now… But I can assure you it was wet… More wet than it has been for some time

I an doing some more nail-polishing on tracking units… This time I picked up some ‘Black Cherries’ colour since I think it will match the black cases more. Nail Polish is used to make sure that any screws do not shake off, and works really well, provided I do not get my fingers covered with ths stuff… Anyway time to do more work…