Here are a collection of links… Some more useful than others. FunSci.Com has a page showing how to make your own paper. This paper seems to be actually not bad and would be great for craft or other special purposes.

Wired is reporting on experiments that Disney is working on to make things more interactive for their guests at Disneyland.

Australian IT is reporting that AARNET, which is the organisation that basically started the Internet in Australia is working on a project to add interconnects between VoIP providers. News.Com is also reporting that Engineers (Like me) are at the front of the queue for imigrating to Australia since engineers are in short supply here in Oz

CBS News has a report indicating that Missouri is going to use cellphone data to monitor traffic flows in partnership with a private company. This is a cute idea, although privacy advocates are indicating that they are unhappy about cellphones being tracked. What they do not realise is that cellphones are already being tracked to an extent, and this is just using the data.

Now it is time to try the Web Checkin for Virgin Blue… For tomorrow morning…