My next big project is a data logger for gliders to record their flights for official recognition. Basically it stores enough data to prove that the glider went where the pilot said it did. This includes things such as the GPS position and speed data and the like. And the unit needs to be sealed so that if it is a record breaking flight then everyone can be sure that it really happened. We are getting orders already, and we do not evem have a price, nor have we officially announced the product.

Right now all I am doing is documenting my design, since the design needs to be approved for it to be officially approved. And they want design details early. So that I do not waste time and make mistakes with the design. So I have a word document that is getting longer all the time…

When the product is designed I am guessing that I will have more people wanting to take me on rides in gliders… I am not sure that I am ready for this, but it will be good to get the offers…

On monday night on SuperNova I saw a new sport – Roof Rack Surfing. Basically this involes getting on the top of a land rover whilst it is driven at speed… I do not think that this is a sport for me… It is just one that I have never thought of before…