Boy, my week is filling up… I have a lunch to attend tomorrow, and friday. And now I have to go to a meeting at North Ryde… That could be a really interesting meeting, and I am really looking forward to it.

I decided to email the PR department of Vodafone about the ‘Speeding Notice’ and I am more hopeful hearing back from them as opposed to customer service. Well, I did CC Customer Service on the email to PR, but the Customer Service email bounced saying no such address exists. Why does this not surprise me one but. It will be interesting to see what the response I get is. I suspect that the PR head will not have heard about this mailout, and will now be working to put out fires. We will see.

There is a story on News.Com.Au about how the Ashes of James Doohan from StarTrek are going to be raised into space aboard a rocket. Well, the story actually says that the rocket is going to be delayed for liftoff until February…. James Doohan plaed the engineer Scotty in the original StarTrek series. They also have a report on a Map from the Enola Gay selling for just under $100K at auction. The Enola Gay was the plane that dropped the Atomic Bombs on Japan in WWII.